公司介绍 – luxury resource
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luxury resource
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  Luxury resource is a professional wholesale supplier from mainland China who sell mirror image designers’ handbags, purses and related small leather goods.
We are making leather handbags from its own factory and sell relative accessories of world famous brands such as Louis Vuitton, Christian Dior, Fendi, Gucci, Chanel, Hermes, Chloe, Balenciaga, Prada, Marc Jacobs, MIU MIU, Jimmy Choo,Thomas Wylde, etc. All Our Bags are the highest grade available in the market, we guarantee that. We have the best Quality and service available on the internet. All of our Luxury Resource handbags are made with the highest quality materials, including genuine cowhide leather. The best quality that you can find in Luxury Resource handbags are here. Our Luxury Resource are identical to the original ones including in size, material and quality.
Don't be fooled by lower priced replica bags. They are mainly "rubberized" cheap imitations. Our bags have the look, feel and smell of the real thing. Every luxury resource bag we carry, regardless of the designer is the finest quality Luxury Resource available. We literally scour the planet, and we will not sell anything less than perfect! The stitching is perfect, the markings are all correct and the craftsmanship is absolutely superb.
Our Designer Handbag Luxury Resource come with dust bags and tags just like the real ones, they also have the leather tag on the interior and even serial number as the originals.
All products are similar to the originals unless specified otherwise. Although our products are comparable in style and quality to the original name brands, we DO NOT represent them to be original, nor do we represent that they are exact copies. Therefore, they do not violate any copyright laws. We simply ask consumers to compare the price along with style and quality to the above-mentioned name brands. Any reference to brand names or "compare to" are made strictly for comparison purposes. We are confident that you will be pleased with our exceptional products.

There is NO limit to the number of products you may order. We offer a vast selection ranging from Handbags, Evening Bags, Wallets, Small Leather Goods and much more.
In many cases, these are the same, exact products you would find at a retail store. We also carry exclusive products you can't find anywhere else, such as exclusive gifts, jewelry. We are adding new items weekly. So be sure to bookmark our site and visit us regularly
Drop shipping is another main method for resellers to save time and money. We do not charge any extra handling fee for drop ship orders.
Luxury resource wishes to talk with you on potential business, if you are interested in starting this business with Luxury resource.Net, please contact us by mail any time in business days.
Wish your every success in your business and life!
  handbags, leather handbags, fashion handbags, designer handbags, replica handbags, ladies handbags, purses
公司名称:  luxury resource
连络:  联络我们
网址:  ********
电话:  86-1834-8664
国家:  中国
住址:  119 tianhe xi Rd, Tianhe District, Guangzhou
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