公司介绍 – VL Co.Ltd
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VL Co.Ltd
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  www(dot)fashionpanpan(dot)com is a E-Commerce company located in Guangzhou,China.we supply all kinds of brandname handbags,LOUIS VUITTON,GUCCI, CHANEL, CHLOE,FENDI,PRADA,HERMES,BALENCIAGA, BURBERRY,JUICY,D&G,CD,MIUMIU.etc.
We are a "Direct Factory Outlet" and all of our replica bags are sourced from specialized factories experienced in the production of top quality items.
We devoted to the Retail and Wholesale of AAA+++(99.9% mirror copy) Designer bags and other goods. and guarantee that all the items we provide have no differences in style and material with the original ones.

Also,We supply LV SHOES & CEINTURES,TIFFANY,WATCHES,Abercrombie&Fitch Apparel,Juicy Suit,Designer Bikini,Hat,Sunglasses and Fashion accessories,With various and newest styles.
If you can't find your favourite items on our website,please contact me with Email ask me about it,or send me some pics,I'll tell you if I can get the things you interested asap.And more items will be updated on website,the up to date fashion will be updated on website fast also.

Our principle is "Best Service and Highest Quality with Low price",and willing to build mutual benefits and long term business relationships with all customers.We have got warmly welcome from our customers by its top quality and safe delivery.
we have status tracking system, customer survey system, and refund and return policy to ensure that your satisfaction is guaranteed.
service time is 24/7, Monday through Saturday.
  louis vuitton, handbag, gucci, chanel, rolex, PRADA, hermes, shoes, CEINTURES, replica, TIFFANY, watch, chloe, fendi, balenciaga, burberry, Hat, sunglasses, miumiu, womens bag
公司名称:  VL Co.Ltd
连络:  联络我们
网址:  ********
电话:  86-1360-2447827
国家:  中国
住址:  Jiefangzhuang Road,Baiyun district
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